Sunday, February 28, 2010

Another Week!

This week was a good one!

Tuesday my roommates and I went to IHOP for free pancakes! You donate to their charity in exchange for paying for the pancakes. It was so crowded...but we waited in the rain anyway. It was a lot of fun!

On Wednesday night I went to see Romeo and Juliet at The Arden Theater with a bunch of friends. They were having a "pay what you want" night because it was their dress rehearsal. It was such an awesome play! It was actually really funny! They did a really good job and I am so glad I went!

At work this week, I...

-Worked with the director of Human Resources.

-Worked with the women who creates resumes which are documents that contain information about all groups that come to the hotel to inform all departments of the hotel what to expect.

-Created a mass email advertising and promoting weddings at the Radisson.

-Went on two site Inspections.

This week Philly was hit with more snow but it didn't really last. It was too warm for the snow to stick or at least to stick longer than a few hours.

This weekend my roommates and I hung out and relaxed! I had a lot of reading to do for class so I did that on Saturday and Sunday. Also I set up our Wii so we had a good time playing that too!

Next weekend I am working a wedding at the hotel and my friend Katherine is vising! I am very excited to have a visitor!!

I hope everyone is well:)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Just a Workin' Girl!

This week was my first experience of a full week of work!

Holy cow am I tired! It was a huge week!

First of all, last weekend I went to China Town and witnessed New Year celebrations! It was awesome! We hung out at some friend's house in China Town for a while and then at 12:00 we all went outside an saw a bunch of people dressed up as dragons and they were moving from Chinese restaurant to Chinese restaurant doing a dance around the firecrackers that were being set off! It was really exciting and there were tons of people in the streets. People were standing on the snow mounds along the streets. Below are a few pictures.

On Sunday I went to a church nearby and after there was dinner for the homeless and anyone who attended. It was neat because we were able to meet a lot of new people. AND Sunday was Valentines day so in honor I will add the below picture.

Just the typical Philly picture;)

Monday felt long because of my classes, then Tuesday through Friday I was at work from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. This week, I did various different tasks at work. Some include..

-Attending 2 sales tours of the hotel for representatives of competing hotels.

-Attended the business meeting every morning that included all the sales women.

-Attended the "stand-up" meeting every morning which included managers in charge of events, The Coffee Bar (the cafe in the hotel), Tavern 17 (the restaurant in the hotel), housekeeping, maintenance, sales, reservations and front desk.

-Went through a computer training program for Delphi which creates BEOs which are Banquet Event Orders. This program is used by all departments in the office I work in.

-Attended a sales meeting with a bride and her wedding planner.

-Designed the screen shots that appear on the TVs outside event space.

-Created labels for brochures and stapled sales packets.

-Set up and preformed a Site Inspection.

Tonight one of my roommates and I went to a really delicious Crepe restaurant a block away! We split a berry crepe with vanilla ice cream! It was so tasty! After dessert we went to a friend's house to hang out with other people from the Center.

Tomorrow I need to go and buy some more vegetables at the Italian Market and finish up my homework. Then Monday starts another week:)

Friday, February 12, 2010

First Day on the Job!

Today was my first day at the Radisson Warwick Hotel.

I started my day at 8:30 AM. I attended a morning meeting with my supervisor and other hotel staff. After that I was given a tour of the hotel. The top 8 floors are condominiums and I work on the 3rd floor. The middle 12 floors are for hotel guests. I was able to see all of the conference rooms and large spaces that are rented out for events. The decorations are beautiful and all look very beautiful. On my tour I was introduced to many of the hotel staff. It is nice to start meeting everyone and learning their names! I have my own desk and computer, which once my email is set up I will be able to log onto.

After lunch I worked on a Valentine's Day chocolate gifts to be given out to hotel guests. After that I filled some papers and sat in on a meeting between the weddings coordinator and the hotel chef. Next week I was told that there is a lunch meeting that a couple of the women in the office are going to with an event planner! I am really excited!

This weekend is the Chinese New Year and a few girls from the Center live in China Town so I think some friends and I are going to join in the festivities! Next week I will have a real schedule to follow! Class on Monday and work Tuesday thru Friday:)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Internship Search is Over!

So...the search is over!

I had an interview yesterday at the Radisson Plaza Warwick Hotel and after being given an offer, I decided I wanted to intern there! I will be able to help and learn about all the steps that go into planning the events that occur at the hotel. The hotel hosts conferences, social events and weddings. The hotel is gorgeous!

I am most excited to intern at the Radisson because I have been told and was told during my interview that they do an amazing job targeting your internship experience towards what your interests are. They told me that if I am doing something and I feel that I would like to work more hands on or try something different that they will move me onto another project or area within the office.

I start working on Friday at 8:30 AM! I am so excited to start having a regular schedule and gaining working experience. It has been difficult waiting around trying to figure out my placement.

Currently we are in the middle of a record setting snow's kind of a big deal. We are basically stuck in our apartment unless we want to walk against wind and snow. They are even saying that we may get more snow on Monday too! I wouldn't mind a snow day in a few weeks when I am exhausted from working but right now I am eager to start my internship!

I hope everyone in Michigan is enjoying the snow:)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Philly vs. Mother Nature

This was such a busy week!

Some of the highlights include;

Classes on Monday! I really enjoy my classes:)

I had an interview at the Independence Hall Visitor's Center for event planning but it sounds like it will involve more sales than actual event planning so I have a few more interviews next week.

The Center put on an activity on Identity on Thursday night. A group of actors came in and we ran through some activities and discussed different cultures and our identities. It was fun and they gave us some delicious soft pretzels.

On Friday a group of friends and I visited art galleries in Old City. Every first Friday of the month there are free activities going on in the city. So on Friday all the galleries were open for people to walk in. It was interesting because each art gallery had different types of art; sculpture, paintings, and art made out of random objects. The most interesting gallery we went to was the our last stop. It was Jewish and had art made out of pressed flowers! They were absolutely beautiful flowers. We stayed there for a bit and they announced that they would be having a dinner for anyone who wanted to attend. We decided to stay and they taught us how to wash our hands and say their prayer before dinner. We ate some delicious bread, salad, and chicken while listening to loud songs and pounding on the tables. It was all very amusing and eye opening to learn about another religion and culture.

Friday night was when the snow started to fall...and it didn't stop. Our walk back to our apartment from Old City had us walking through at least a foot of snow!!
We woke up on Saturday morning to over two feet of snow. The news referred to the snow as a war that Philly was up against. The city has no real way to remove the snow because of the number of streets and how close they are to each other. The city isn't the best at snow removal but they sure know how to salt the sidewalks!! We were hit by some salt a few times when walking the streets!

Saturday night Lisa and I went to visit some friends from the Center and the walk involved sliding on slushy, icy sidewalks, climbing mounds of snow and walking through a few streets due to the lack of a path on the sidewalks. It was a real adventure but somehow snow here in the city is a whole lot more fun than snow at home!

Tomorrow we are meeting up with a large group of people from the Center to visit the Art Museum because the first Sunday of every month the art museum is pay what you want. Then in the evening we are going to watch the Super Bowl at a house of friends that live in Old City.

Next week I have two interviews, one on Monday and one on Tuesday! I am hoping to have my internship all figured out very soon!

I hope everyone is doing well:)

STEP 1: Get out the door!

South Street with a layer of snow!

My roommate Lisa

Whole Foods is Closed!

Another view of South Street